The Hopeful Mindset
Finding Hope in the Natural World
I want to thank you for posting “The Hopeful Mindset”. I see this as a useful voice toward something that is needed after we acknowledge human roots in evolution – in examining the question of what can/should we do, to try to gain the best and minimize some of the more problematic aspects of our nature?
Todd Macalister, Communications Director, Religious Naturalist Association
Terry, I finally read The Hopeful Mindset, which had been in my “to read” pile for some months. It’s brilliant, and elucidates the causes of a long-standing frustration: why is it so hard for people to _____ ? (usually in political contexts). I somehow stumbled into a hopeful mindset on my own (or through my interdependent cultural connections!) that seemingly puts me in an entirely different landscape than mainstream culture, and I get frustrated by the chasm between. The Hopeful Mindset is a tour of that chasm, and a well-marked path across it.
JD Stillwater, Seven Candles: Science for a Deeper Spirituality

The following is a part of a response to a post outlining the fundamentals of The Hopeful Mindset on the Religious Naturalist Association’s forum.
Very nice synopsis, Terry. I do agree with you.
Your 2nd fundamental assumption you state as:
“2. How we go about meeting these [survival] needs is governed by how we see our place in the world.”
You contrast the effects / consequences of fearful versus hopeful mindsets. Correctly, I think. I hope RNA keeps your booklet as a centerpiece. To lead, rather than follow, RNA needs to present a mindset that articulates a particular, flexible but not arbitrary, set of values for public consumption.
As your booklet, imo, promotes. Hopeful mindset, life’s potentials, peace, natural harmony, ecological and economic sustainability … all key values. To which I add only a few more: truthfulness, respect for others (body and space), personal integrity, and some degree of helping others with their load.
Emerson – RNA forum member
Hi Terry,
I read your Hopeful Mindset booklet and also found it very insightful.
I particularly like your use of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in combination with the Fearful/Hopeful mindset dichotomy. As Emerson says, you provide a neat schema to compare the effects of each mindset relative to different needs, and also some great practical tips (means) to start applying the Hopeful Mindset in everyday life.
I applaud your “no frills” enlightenment-now-and-for-everyone approach. Maslow’s hierarchy allows you to chart the fracture between old and new mindsets along a vertical axis ranging from biological instincts to human purpose and meaning, ensuring an integral (360°) perspective to human development.
Frederico Nicola Pecchini – independent researcher and activist