DEI and Mindsets

DEI and Mindsets

Getting to the Heart of DEI (Diversity, Equality, Inclusion) with the Interdependent Mindset  In a recent interview by black journalists Donald Trump was asked if he supported DEI. The interviewer explained that it stood for Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion. Trump...
Identity Culture, Protests, and the Rise of Intolerance

Identity Culture, Protests, and the Rise of Intolerance

There is much talk these day about what it means to be woke. Sometimes the word is used in a way that makes it seem a desirable state of awareness. In other cases it is used as a pejorative indicating that to ascribe to being woke is to support extreme leftist causes....
Arthur Miller and the Tragedy of the American Dream

Arthur Miller and the Tragedy of the American Dream

In response to a letter from a college student Arthur Miller wrote about Death of a Salesman and his take on tragedy in general. I see man’s happiness frustrated until the time arrives when he is judged, given social honor and respect, not by what he has accumulated...
If Facts Don’t Change Minds, What Does?

If Facts Don’t Change Minds, What Does?

It is now undeniable. Global issues like climate change and environment degradation are heading us toward extinction. It is widely recognized that these issues are human caused. If things are to improve there will need to be a widespread change in how we humans...
Uncertainty, Interdependence, and Hope

Uncertainty, Interdependence, and Hope

Uncertainty, Interdependence, and Hope   Most of us live in a model of the world where things happen for a reason. Events have identifiable causes. The assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand led to World War I. A large meteor crashing into the earth caused the...