5 Lies of the Cynical Mindset

5 Lies of the Cynical Mindset

We accept many falsehoods as truths when we operate under the conceptual umbrella of the Cynical Mindset. This is not surprising once we realize the faulty assumption upon which this mindset is based. The core belief of the Cynical Mindset is that each of us is an...
A Declaration of Interdependence

A Declaration of Interdependence

The Hopeful Mindset delineates the highly influential differences between the beliefs that arise out of seeing ourselves as independent selves and seeing ourselves as interdependent selves. In this context the word “independent” refers to an individual who believes he...
Hopeful Values and Human Dignity

Hopeful Values and Human Dignity

My word processor defines dignity as:  the state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect Fair enough, but how do we know when someone is “worthy of honour or respect”? It seems to me that in order to be recognized as “worthy of honour or respect” dignity must...