by tfindlay | Apr 17, 2020
Dr Trevor Hancock of the University of Victoria proposes that, rather than bouncing back from COVID-19 we should bounce forward. What he means is that bouncing back would mean returning the practices that have got us into the global problems we now face such as...
by tfindlay | Mar 24, 2020
“It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next. We can choose to walk through it, dragging the carcasses of our prejudice and hatred, our avarice, our data banks and dead ideas, our dead rivers and smoky skies behind us. Or we can walk through lightly, with...
by tfindlay | Mar 21, 2020
If ever there was an unmistakable demonstration of the interdependent nature of our world it is the coronavirus pandemic. Barring the rapid development of a vaccine the virus will run its global course. With worldwide cooperation we may be able to “flatten the curve”....
by tfindlay | Sep 5, 2019
Donald Trump has proudly proclaimed that he usually goes with his gut when making decisions because he is confident that things will work out well for him when he does so. On the surface going with your gut seems natural enough. Nature has equipped us with feelings so...
by tfindlay | Jun 15, 2019
Did the Buddha teach something resembling The Hopeful Mindset? There are some striking similarities between The Four Nobel Truths themselves and, in particular, the fourth noble truth’s Eightfold Path and the foundations of The Hopeful Mindset. The Four Noble Truths...