by tfindlay | Jan 20, 2019
My word processor defines dignity as: the state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect Fair enough, but how do we know when someone is “worthy of honour or respect”? It seems to me that in order to be recognized as “worthy of honour or respect” dignity must...
by tfindlay | Jan 2, 2019
Although it may not seem like it on the surface I believe a sea change is coming and it is coming sooner than you might think. I think we will see this shift gain momentum in the coming year. In my estimation what we are now witnessing of the forces of separation and...
by tfindlay | Nov 15, 2018
Humans have come to dominate the planet in a relatively short time. In around 100000 years we have gone from just another species among a myriad of other species all vying for a place in the planetary ecosystem to a species that has overrun the entire planet. In the...
by tfindlay | Nov 2, 2018
With the U.S. midterm elections looming on the horizon many people are hoping for an outcome that will contribute to a more compassionate political climate. In the face of this hope are the fears that the election results will turn out to be more of the same, if not...
by tfindlay | Oct 3, 2018
On October 22, 1928, Herbert Hoover gave the penultimate speech of his successful presidential campaign entitled, “Principles and Ideals of the United States Government.” In that speech, the self-made millionaire expressed his belief that the American...
by tfindlay | Sep 29, 2018
Two friends of mine are currently working on a new CD. This is the second CD they have worked on together. The first CD has received high praise from a number of reviewers but, so far, the sales have not taken off as hoped. In spite of their prodigious skills and...